You need to succeed in International Markets.
At CBS, our project-dedicated teams provide consistent results, wide-ranging technological expertise and on-time work. We enable you to communicate your brand and style with targeted culture.
You create it. We make it local.

We know that localization is more than simple translation.Each industry has its own set of unique expressions.
Only a seasoned global partner can offer the following:
- Providing country and culture specific localization
- Insight about your industry jargon, context and target audience
- Understanding the big picture
- Knowing the right questions to ask to eliminate potential blunders
- Unified brand message across all materials in all languages
- Brand positioning consistent with real-life culture of your target market
- On-time delivery with responsive communication at every step
CBS will localize your content, allowing you to navigate the global marketplace with ease.
We provide seamless translation services with best result that appeals to your target market. No matter where they live, or what language they speak.
We enable brands to improve worldwide communication through accurate and tailored localization services.

Each industry has its own set of unique expressions.
Only a seasoned global partner can offer the following:

Providing country and culture specific localization

Unified brand message across all materials in all languages

Insight about your industry jargon, context and target audience

Brand positioning that consistent with real-life culture of your target market

Knowing the right questions to ask to eliminate potential blunders

On-time delivery with responsive communication at every step