In a broadly defined term, technical translation means translating content related to a scientific or technical subject.
To put it another way, technical translation requires a technical translator. A skilled technical translator translates both the subject matter and specialized terms of the field in both the source and target languages.
Translating scientific and technical material involves in-depth knowledge of the subject or scope. Alternatively speaking, the translation of technical content requires a technical translator.
A qualified technical translator should understand the subject matter and related terms in both the source and the target languages.
Understanding articles from scientific, medical, engineering, and technical journals require professional translation skills and graduate training in the relevant field. On the other end, things like product specs for electronic equipment may not require a computer science degree but certainly need specialized knowledge of the terminology used.
Translating technical information costs more than general business information and may take longer than the available language. Extra costs will vary depending on the level of scientific or technical knowledge needed for the project, the availability of specialist translators in the required language pair, and the demand.
For example, machinery product-related translations in English – German cost more because this pair’s demand for technical translations exceeds the relatively small number of qualified translators.
Here are some areas of translation:
Translation for user manuals
This category of technical translation includes manuals and online help. User manual translation requires skill and knowledge, but they differ significantly from other types of technical translation.
Translation for CAD drawings
Technical drawings require translators and project managers adept at working with specialized file formats. The integration of localized labels, measurements, and visual elements, as well as text expansion, are additional steps.
Translation and Localization of software
Nowadays, translation and localization of software strings for user interfaces are required. Simple language may seem an excellent way to interface with the user interface. Because of this need, the translator must be familiar with handling strings being read. Additionally, the translator needs to know the user’s expectations for terminology in the target market or region. Some terms may be abbreviated because specific target languages expand when translated.
Patent translation
A translator for patent translation should possess subject matter expertise and mastery of patent drafting, governed by legal and practical requirements. Often, a comprehensive claim is written covering all bases for future applications for a new technique or gadget while exposing as little accurate, unique information as possible.